Thanks for visiting,
originally this site was to be devoted entirely to animals.
Somehow I got sidetracked.
This first site had animal stories and stuff but soon became just another chaotic collection of whatever seemed interesting at the time.
If you want to laugh at it in disgust click here.
Please remember it was a very first web page attempt by a retard at that.
There are some animal poems on the site but mostly its just stupidity at its lamest.
Very soon this page will contain all animal stuff.
It will be divided into at least 2 sections.
The first section being animals at there best. Cute, Beautiful, Brilliant as Nature intended.
The second section is the section I hate to do but feel necessary for the sake of the animals.
Unfortunatly animals need our help.
People can be cruel.
Only by bringing to your attention what really goes on out there, will you hopefully respond.
I separate the two sections allowing you the choice of even visiting the second part.
I hope you do.
We all need to be aware of the truth.
Hopefully some will open there hearts up to help animals that so desperately need it.
So thanks again for visiting the site.